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The Top 10 Toughest Sex Questions that Kids Ask and How to Answer Them

Before we dive in and get into the 10 toughest questions, I want to go over some quick guidelines no matter what your child's question is, because let's face it, there's more than 10.  So, in general, some things to keep in mind always when your child is asking a question that is a sex related question, or even just a question that really surprises you is you want to do your best to have a poker face. Meaning, try not to show your emotion if it's one that's shocked, embarrassed, or maybe concerned. You don't want to show that expression on your face right away. What that will do is shut the door to them talking to you. That's definitely what you don't want to have happen.

The other thing you want to be really careful about is your tone. Your tone says so much. Next to your body language, it's the second most powerful communication tool that we have. So, if you say, "Where did you hear that?" Or, "Where did you hear that?" Is different than, "Huh, where did you hear that?" The tone and inflection of your voice is very powerful. When your kids are asking questions, get your tone under control, get your poker face on, and make sure that you count to ten if you need to. If you are feeling any emotion around the question, or concern, or embarrassment, or whatever you might feel. Okay...

The third thing is, it's so important to praise your child for asking questions. Say, "That's a great question, sweetie, I love when you come to me with your questions." If the timing is not the best, let's say you're in the grocery store and there is a line of people behind you, and your child wants to know what a condom is. Maybe not the best scenario to be having a full fledged conversation around what a condom is, and that's okay. You can say to your child, "Honey, that's a great question. Why don't you ask me that in the car on the way home." That way,  you bought yourself a little time to think about how you want to approach it, what you might want to say, and you're not feeling super embarrassed with the line full of people behind you at the supermarket.

Another thing to think about is what type of question your child might be asking you. There are different ones. Some questions kids ask is just for information. Like, "What is a condom?", "What is sex?", "Where do babies come from?" It's an information question. Other questions may have to do with a value. "When is a good time to have sex?", is a value laden question for example. Another question they might have is an 'Am I normal' question. An 'Am I normal' question might be, "Is masturbation okay?"  A fourth thing is they may ask you a personal question. Occasionally, a shocking one, depending on the kid. The personal questions might sound like, "Were you a virgin when you got married?".

When you get your question and you realize what type of question it is, the next thing you may want to do is to ask your child a question back. So, the question could be let's say, "What is a condom?" Then I would come back with, "That's a great question, sweetie, what do you think it is?" That way you get a context of where they may have heard the question and if you need to be concerned.  Is it something they need to know right now because they need one? Whatever your fears around the subject may be, usually when you get a sense of the context of the question it helps. Where did they hear it, what do they think it is, what makes you ask that question, are all good ways to gauge how much to say and where you need to fill in the blanks.

After you fill in the blanks, if it wasn't enough information, a child will typically ask a follow up question. Then you know you need to just share a little bit more. Keep your answers short and sweet. Try not to get into too complicated an answer because often times the kid's question is really simple. Once you give them a simple answer they might just run outside and go play and the conversation is pretty much finished at that point, which might be a good thing and ease your nerves.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, just remember watch your tone and don't say, "Well, what do you think it means?" It's very different than, "What do you think that is?" One's more inviting, one's more like, why are you asking that question? Know the difference and do your best to watch your tone. As we dive in and get into the scripts of some of the toughest questions, it'll make more sense to you how to approach these.

I hope those tips help for now and keep reading on for the 10 toughest sex questions that children ask.

Question #1 - Where do babies come from?

All right, we're going to get started into our top ten toughest sex questions. Number one on the list and the most common sex question that children ask is "Where do babies come from?" or some variation of that. "Where did I come from?", "What is sex?", something along those lines. This is tough for a lot of families to answer because typically a child is pretty young when this question is asked. If you watched any of my videos where I shared my own story about when I asked this question, I was about five years old, and that's a common age for this question.

So let's begin. You want to start with the basics, right. You want to make sure you encourage the question and praise the question in some way. "That's a great question, sweetie." Next, you want to have your poker face on and watch your tone. Thirdly you want to get some sort of context of where the question is coming from or what they might know already. "That's a great question sweetie. What do you know about where babies come from?" or "Where do you think babies come from?" Something like that. You want to make sure you listen. That's why we have two ears and one mouth. Listen to what your child has to say. After you hear what they know, then you're going to fill in the blanks. It could be something like this.

"When two people care a lot about each other, or two adults care a lot about each other, they may want to show affection in a brand new way. This is how nature has designed it so that we could have babies. What will happen is there's this seed from the daddy that's going to be placed and mixed with the seed from the mommy. When the two get together, they grow in a special place in the woman's body called the womb and that's where a baby grows." Next be quiet and listen and see if they understand or if they have another question.

Maybe they want to know how does the seed get there? The next thing you're going to say is, "Well, what happens is because the two people want to feel close to each other in a new way, that might start with hugging and kissing. What will happen is a man may put his penis inside of a woman's vagina. That special seed will come out of the penis, and it's going to swim into the woman's body and look for the egg, which is the seed from the woman. When it gets together, it fertilizes it. Then it goes and grows in this special place called the womb, where her body has built a nest or a bed for this baby inside of her. Okay, does that make sense so far?"

Then again be quiet and see if there's any more questions. That might be enough. They might be like, "Oh, okay." Then they run off and play. No big deal. No harm done. You didn't lie. You gave them a simple answer to their question. They also might go, "Eww, why would someone do that?" That's pretty normal and typical for a young child to say. I definitely have gotten that reaction when kids in my courses have learned about what sex is.

"Eww, why would someone ever want to do that?" Well, I tell them, "Part of growing up is you're going to go through puberty, and puberty is when your body changes from a boy or a girl to a man or a woman. The reason your body changes is so that we can grow up and have children some day. It might be really hard for you to understand right now why somebody would want to do that. That's normal and that's honestly, mommy likes that right now. That's good because it's something that's for adults.  When you're older, what happens is there's these chemicals that are in our body called hormones that actually cause all the changes and that make us want to feel closer to someone in a new way. Because those aren't quite there for you yet, sweetie, that's why it doesn't make sense, because those hormones cause urges and the urges are things that make us want to be touched, or to touch. It's all part of design for us to reproduce. It's nature's way."

You can answer really simply like that. Depending on the age of your child, you're going to share a little bit more. Because an older child, the question might not be where do babies come from, but it might be what is sex more specifically or why do people have sex. Let's say they're nine or 10 when this question comes up, then what I just shared with you might be something you could say to them. If they're even older like when is a good time to have sex or good age to have sex, then that question is different as well.

You always keep in mind the age of your child, and how much you're comfortable with, and what you're willing to share. Keep your family values in mind and what you want to make sure your child understands about this subject. Hopefully, that made sense and that gave you some idea of what you might want to say to the most common sex question. Next, we'll get into number two.

Question #2 - Is it okay to masturbate?

Another common question children may have or a scenario you may find your child in will have to do around masturbation. Perhaps the question is, "Is it okay to masturbate?" "Is it normal to masturbate?" "Is it okay if I masturbate?" They may not call it that either. It might be something like, "Is it okay to touch my penis." Maybe you catch your child touching his or her own body. What is important for parents to do when it comes to self-touching is to make sure that they share any rules around privacy, and where and when are appropriate times to engage in that behavior.

I think it's also important to not shame your child and make sure that you're not embarrassing your child if you catch them in the act. There's definitely some scenarios I've heard of where especially young girls are shamed for touching their body. I think a lot of times socially we are more accepting of boys self-touching than girls and it's very unfortunate. I hope that you normalize either because both are normal both boys and girls are curious about their own bodies and will experience pleasure from touching their own bodies.

We definitely want to make sure that our children understand it's not something that they do in front of others. It's not something that they do while they're watching TV and their sister is in the room. It's also something that is private and that they either need to be in their bedroom or the bathroom if they want to do that. Let them know it's normal and nothing to be ashamed about. Some people don't like to talk about it. They may feel embarrassed about talking about it. It's perfectly normal. What I want to make sure is that you understand there are places where it's not appropriate to touch your body in those private places, and it's something that you do by yourself.

Making sure that they understand those things are usually some good general guidelines to self-touching. If they ask if masturbation is okay, instill your values. I definitely think it's okay. It's normal. It's not going to cause any physical harm to a boy or a girl. Hopefully, if your family is comfortable, share with your child appropriate times when it's okay and maybe when it's not okay to do those behaviors.

Question #3 - What is a condom?

Another really popular question is "What is a condom?". Depending on the age of your child will determine how much you say. If your child is young and this question comes up, maybe you're wondering where did this questions come from? Did they see one? Did they need one? What is going on? Try to, again, stay calm. Remember, keep your poker face and always ask what they think it is first, and then you can fill in the blanks and figure out where they may have heard about it.

After that, if it was a young child, I would say something very simple like, "It's similar to a glove that a man puts on his penis. It's a glove for the penis." Something simple like that. If they ask, "Well, why do they need a glove for their penis?" Then you can say, "Well, it's a form of protection.  If someone is having sex, which we talked about before, the condom is used as a form of protection from sex because there are diseases that can be spread through sex. There's always the risk of pregnancy as well. If somebody is not ready for a baby or maybe they don't want one right then, then it's important that they protect both their body and their partner's body from those things. That's what they use a condom."

Maybe you want to add more if they're older. You can talk about where to buy condoms, that you don't need to be a certain age to get them. Maybe you show them where it's at in the store. Maybe you share that if they ever need one, that they can just ask, or when they get older, that you can make sure that they have condoms. All those things are options. Again, it always comes down to how much are you ready for and what age is your child. With all those things in mind, the simple answer is, "It's a protective glove for the penis made out of plastic or latex that catches semen so it doesn't go into their partner's body."

Okay, I hope that brief explanations helps. Now for the next question.

Question #4 - Were you a virgin when you got married?

Sometimes children's questions have to do with things that might be a little more personal. They might poignantly ask you a question like, "Were you a virgin when you got married?".  "How many partners have you had?" "Were you with anyone before you were with mom or dad?" Usually, these types of questions happen when children are older. A lot of times they make parents really nervous. Parents might be concerned about being honest about a question like this, fearing that it may give their child permission to also perhaps have this experience with someone other than their husband or wife.

I think it's important that we put that fear aside for a second. If you decide to answer the question, you can say that this is a choice that I made. This is why I made that choice. This is what it cost me or this is what was great about it, or this is what I didn't like about my choice. Whatever the scenario is. This is why I can say now I hope for you dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, and you fill in the blank.

Whatever your values are and this is a value question, right? Even though it's a personal one, it brings up a lot of values around when is sex right, and is it okay to have sex with someone other than the person you marry. Is that normal, also? There is a lot going on in this question.

If you decide to not answer the question, then maybe it's a teachable moment about privacy. "Honey, there are some times or some things that I would like to keep private. I wouldn't want to hurt your mom or your dad. That's really just something I don't feel like you need to know and there will be times in life when there maybe some things that you don't want me to know about your own life. I hope that you can share anything with me, but I also understand that there are some things that some people like to keep private. This happens to be one for me. Okay." Something like that.

You need to acknowledge that they may also do the same. When you don't share personal stories, you sort of shut the door a bit to your communication, but it's up to you. At the end of the day, you may or may not feel comfortable sharing some personal information. Don't lie, please don't lie. People who lie usually get caught later on and this isn't something that you want to get caught in, because then your child will discredit you and feel like it's okay to lie if they don't want to share something with you. Make sense? Okay. You're always doing your best, parents, and that's all we can do. I hope that that helps. I'll see you in our next tip for the next common question that children might ask you.

Question #5 - What do couples do when they don't want kids OR What is birth control?

Some parents may get questions about birth control. The question may be, "What do couples do when they don't want kids", or maybe they heard of a condom, or the pill, or something like that. They may ask, "What is birth control?" or some variation of that question. What you can say is, "Birth control or family planning is something that couples can get from a doctor, or buy from a store that can help them decide when they have children and how many they have. This is what couples do when they're not ready for kids, don't want kids, or want to space their children apart."

You can give examples if you like. You can say some methods you take every day like a pill, some things you go to the doctor for or can get at a pharmacy. There's also devices that women can put in their body, like in their arm or inside of their uterus. Those birth control methods last for several years so that families can really decide when and if they want children. That's an example of what you can say and you could look at some websites together.

If appropriate, you can talk about if they are ever in need of birth control at some time in the future, that you want them to come to you. If for some reason they can't, that they can access that service without you. If you live in the state of California, at least, I'm not sure where you're watching. If you're in the state of California and some other states, minors have the right to access birth control with or without their parent. That maybe something that you share with your children just so they know.

At the end of the day, we want our children to talk to us always. In case they decide not to because sometimes they don't want to disappoint you, you still want them to be safe. Then letting them know that information I think is really smart, just in case they feel like they aren't ready to come to you, so that they don't have an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. Hope that helps. I'll see you in our next tip.

Question #6 - What is 69?

Another parent favorite has to do with questions around different types of sex. Maybe your child asks, "What is 69?", "What's a blowjob?", "What is going down or giving head?", anything along those lines or even "What is anal sex?" or something like that. Different types of sex and how to explain it. After you've talked about the simple answer of sex, which is just one definition, when the penis enters a woman's vagina, there are other types of sex. When your children get older you could start to explain some of this.

For example, oral sex. Maybe your child asks a question like what is a blowjob or giving head, something along those lines, or asks you about a sexual gesture that maybe they saw someone doing that has to do with oral sex. What I would recommend saying is, "Sometimes people have sex in different ways and one way is a type of sex called oral sex. Oral sex is when someone puts their mouth on someone's penis or vagina. There's also another kind of sex called anal sex. Anal sex somebody puts their penis into someone's anus." I know it's hard to say those with a straight face and your child's going to be looking at you like you're crazy and why would anyone ever want to do that. Like I said, just keep your poker face.

You can also talk about sometimes people have sex when they touch another person's private parts. They might touch the breasts, penis, or vagina and that's also part of sex too. There are some types of sex that someone can get pregnant from or get a disease from and there's some that are safer than others. If they have more questions about that, they should talk to you.

That's what I would recommend saying if any questions around different types of sex come up. I hope that helps.

Question #7 - What age is right for sex?

Another common question has to do with what age is right for sex or some variation of that question. This really puts parents on the spot because they feel like whatever age that they say, their child's going to believe that that's the age they can be to have sex. That's just not true and there's a lot of factors you can discuss with your child.

If they say, "When is sex right or what's the right age to have sex or when do people have sex?", something along those lines, you can share some statistics, in the United States the average age for first intercourse happens to be age 17 now. It used to be 16, it's actually gotten later, which is great. It's an average and what we know about averages is that there's some people who have sex sooner and there's people who have sex later. What you can share is that this is something that really is for adults and you really want to be out of high school when someone makes this decision because there's a lot to think about.

One thing to think about is your reputation.  Unfortunately for boys it's sort of expected for them to have sex and that puts a lot of pressure on them. Maybe they won't be ready for sex and they might feel a little like they're in a hurry to have sex just to get it over with, which it won't even be very good. Let's face it. The other thing is with girls sometimes they're kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't. There's words that girls are called for girls who have sex that aren't very nice and there's also words for girls who don't have sex that aren't really nice either and it really puts them in a difficult spot.

Next there are the physical consequences that can happen with sex like an unwanted pregnancy or disease. Also attaching to your partner is something else that some families like to talk to their kids about, especially their young girls. There's a bonding hormone that actually is released(Oxytocin) from the brain that makes women attach to their partners. Sometimes motivations for sex can be different between the sexes. You can have conversations around that as well. Lots of things you can say here.

When is sex right? This is what I would tell my child. "When you can make that decision and feel good about it and you know that it was with the right person, it was the right time, and it was for good reasons, it'll probably be right for you. I also think it's important that someone protects themselves from an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy and disease, then it probably will be right for them."

People tend to be older and when you're older you probably will make better decisions about who your partner is and probably will enjoy it more. Sex is something that, when it's not with the right person and it's not the right time and it's not for good reasons, can cause a lot of shame, it can cause a ton of embarrassment, and frankly it may not even be good. If you're feeling those things, sex is not a good experience. For something so wonderful I'd hate for you to have an experience that wasn't good.

That's how I feel about it. That's what I would say. That's just me. I hope that those tips help a little bit and you have some sort of context of what you could say if your child wants to know anything about when is sex right.

Question #8 - How do babies die?

Sometimes children have questions about how babies die. This question might sound like this, "How do babies die?" or "What is an abortion?" or "What is a miscarriage?". Sometimes they might hear this on a show or the news or maybe a friend was talking about it. It's really interesting when these questions come up because it can make parents wonder where the question came from. If you have any questions about the source of it, make sure you ask, but do it in a way that you watch your tone so they don't feel like they're in trouble for asking the question.

What you can say is, "Sometimes babies aren't growing properly and there's a lot of things that can happen to a woman's body that may make it hard for the baby to grow. Sometimes the baby doesn't make it. In fact, about a third of women will experience a miscarriage. Miscarriage is a pretty common occurrence." Maybe some of you out there, some of our viewers, may have had that experience. That's how I would recommend talking about a miscarriage. If they ask why does that happen, just say there's lots of reasons and give an example of maybe one.

Another question might be "What is an abortion?". This is a question that has tons of values around it. First you could define it. "Sometimes women get into situations where maybe they weren't expecting to get pregnant or weren't ready to be pregnant and they may decide to end their pregnancy or terminate their pregnancy. That's called an abortion." I don't think you need to get in the details of how it's performed or anything like that, but what you could do next is share some reasons women may make that decision. Some women may decide to terminate a pregnancy because they were raped, maybe their own life is in danger, or maybe they just really aren't ready for that baby and they feel like that's the best decision for them at that time.

If you feel strongly that it's not something that people should do, you certainly could share that with them. Just realize too that it is something that we fight for everyday and that it's been something that before it was legal and able to be performed in a way that was medically safe, that women died. There's always been abortion. Whether we agree or disagree or wish there wasn't, it is something that is a choice, at least today, for women. It's really up to an individual to decide what's best for them.

Sometimes you might not be sure of the source of the question. Is this something that is happening to a friend of theirs or what makes your child ask this question.  You might really want to know why they are asking this question. Just remember to be careful about your tone again. Remember that's a theme through all these tough questions, is always watch your tone. You can instill your values, but also encourage your children to decide how they feel about certain things. "This is what I believe or our family believes, this is what we hope for you, but at the end of the day this is a decision that everybody has to make for themselves. What we feel is right or wrong or what's going to be best decision for our own futures." All of those things are factors. I hope that helps. We got more coming so keep on reading.

Question #9 - What is a prostitute or porn?

We're going to keep on going with these tough questions. How are you guys doing? I hope you're doing okay. Another really common question will have to do about sex for sale. Whether it's, "What is a prostitute?" or "What is pornography or porn?", or maybe even you find some sexual content on your home computer and you have to have a conversation about pornography with your child, this is a fun one for parents as well.

You can begin by talking about the history of sex a little bit. You can say, "When it comes to prostitution it's actually one of the oldest professions and that some people sell sex as a service to people. They engage in sex with someone in exchange for money. That's what prostitution is." If you have some values around it, again insert those there. If you feel like that's something that people shouldn't do, or if they do it needs to be consensual and not forced, whatever your values are around prostitution.

When it comes to pornography, boy, with the internet it is definitely online and it is likely that your child may see something sexual on the internet. You may get this question or some variation of it. What you can say is, "Sometimes people sell sex and they may record themselves having sex or doing something sexual to themselves or somebody. That's called pornography. This is something that some adults watch because it may turn them on or get excited when they see it. It's not something for kids."

There's a lot of stuff on the internet that people are showing that isn't really representative of what people typically do in the bedroom. There's a lot of things that are extreme online and sometimes people have fantasies of things that they've never experienced. Sometimes people when they're selling things online they want it to be really extreme so it gets clicks. There's a lot of stuff that's there that isn't really what most people are doing. That's really important to understand and it's all something to share with your child so they don't think that some of the crazy things that are online are things that are typical and that they're going to be expected to do or to do to someone.

I don't know if any of you've ever browsed much online, but there's pretty much everything. You name it, someone is selling it online. You never know what your child may come across when they're doing searches. Just letting them know that it's important that they protect their eyes a bit and that they don't have to watch everything that comes up, nor should they, and not everything is age appropriate for them. There's stuff online that's more for adults and even some stuff online that you may or may not ever want to see. It might be violent or gross or degrading or sexy. There's lots of different things that people may see online. I think an open honest conversation around that is really important.

If they ever see something that makes them feel uncomfortable or they have questions about that they won't be in trouble and that they should come to you. You don't want them asking Mr. Google for everything, you want them talking to you. The more open and honest you can be and try not to jump to conclusions is only going to benefit you and your relationship with your child.

If you find pornography on your child's computer and you need to have a conversation about it, try to keep your cool. Sometimes parents are so upset that they might say something like "You can't do that in my house!" and tend to shame their children around being curious about it. Honestly they might've just stumbled across it. Maybe they weren't looking for it, it sort of just showed up and then they clicked and they didn't know what it was going to be.

I think it's really important that if you do find porn on your child's device you say, "You know what sweetie I need to talk to you. I was looking at your computer and I saw that you've been to some websites that are really for adults and I want to talk to you more about what you may have seen and see if you have any questions." Also have a discussion about what's appropriate and not appropriate to be clicking on and what's really for adults and what's not for kids, and having a conversation about that. If they have any questions about what they saw that you're here to talk to them about it.

Say, "It's normal to be curious, but it's important that you don't look at things like that because they're really not meant for someone your age. I don't want you to see something you can't unsee that may upset you or might not be something that you fully understand. I want to make sure that you talk to me if you have questions about sex. If you ever see something on line or someone shows you something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me."

Question #10 - What is rape?

We are on our final tough question number 10. This question is "What is rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse?". This is a toughie. No parent ever wants to think about a child having this experience. Unfortunately some children will have this experience, so it's important that we discuss it and we help our children understand it.

Over time this has been all over the news and it's likely to hear something like, "so and so's charged with sexual assault or sexual misconduct". We've seen it happen before and it certainly could happen again in the future. This may be what sparks a question like this, but we definitely want to make sure we know the context of the question. In a nutshell what you could say is, "Sometimes sex is used to hurt someone and it's used as a weapon. It's not supposed to be used that way, it's actually against the law. It's not okay for anyone to ever force another person to do something against their will."

You could also discuss consent and what consent means. "Consent is permission, it's somebody wanting something, saying it's okay that they want to engage in a certain sexual behavior. When somebody is raped or is a victim of sexual assault, that's not the case." Also with sexual abuse sometimes people use their power to pressure someone and touch someone's body who didn't want to be touched. If that were to ever happen, if anyone ever touched you in your private areas, which is on your penis, vagina, or on your anus, or your breasts, and you didn't want them to, that's never okay. It's important that you say, "Don't touch me there, no, stop, and that you use no words in that situation or scenario".

"It's also important that you don't ever keep that a secret. If somebody ever were to tell you or threaten you if you were to tell anybody that they did that, that they were going to hurt you or someone you loved, that's never a secret you keep, even if they say they're going to hurt someone. That's so important because a lot of perpetrators say that."

You can go a lot of different directions with this question. Depending on your child's age is going to determine how much you discuss. You could talk about pedophiles and you can talk about child molesters and how they are different. A pedophile typically stalks their prey. It's usually a certain type of child that they look for. A child molester is more of an opportunist. Maybe they are dating someone who has a child and the opportunity comes up for them to babysit and they decide they're going to play doctor or something of that sort.

At the end of the day it's just important that our children understand that it's always important to get permission and to give permission if they want to be touched. Someone should be asking for permission, and that needs to be something they want to do. They never need to do anything that they don't want to do and no one should ever touch their body without them wanting them to touch their body.

This can be a really tough question. I hope that something I said will help you if this question were to come up. You can also get very specific about the definition of rape versus sexual assault. Rape is defined as penis to vagina sex, and sexual assault is pretty much anything else. It includes anal sex, which is called sodomy, it also includes oral sex or digital sex, which is using hands. All sorts of other abuse is grouped under sexual assault.

A lot of times alcohol and drugs are involved and a lot of times it happens when people are older, like in college. If your child is older and they are going off to college, you may want to talk about the relationship between drugs, alcohol, and sex and how it's important that they're careful and they don't get into situations where they even have unwanted sex. If someone's ever passed out that's not okay to have sex with them because they can't consent. Discuss the age of consent, if they're dating someone who's under 18, how that's considered statutory rape. This is another important subject.

Your young ones, talk about touching where it's not okay to be touched and touch others without permission. Remember these are talks for a lifetime. This isn't one conversation. You're going to have to revisit this and as your children get older and include more information.

Well that concludes our 10 toughest sex question that children ask their parents. I'm sure there's more. If you have a question that your child has asked you and you have no clue what to say, please comment below and maybe I'll make another video/blog and answer other tough questions.

Don't beat yourself up if you didn't say everything exactly perfect when talking to your child. You can always go back and tell your child, hey remember when you asked that question about sex and I gave you an answer, I want to add a little more to what I said, or I want to explain it better, something along those lines. If you do that then you can always add more.

Remember, this isn't just one talk. These should be several talks and you don't have to answer all these questions at once. As you see opportunities to talk about sexuality with your children, just try not to turn your cheek and look the other way. I think it's important as our children get older that we quit covering their eyes and we teach them how to see.

With you explaining things instead of Mr. Google all the time, I think that it helps you have a better relationship with your child, you increase your communication, and frankly if you can talk about sex, you can talk about anything with your kids. That's really what we should be doing as adults. We should be talking to someone we love, right?

I hope that these talks helped a bit. If you want more information on our courses, please visit http://www.thetalkinstitute.com or subscribe to our YouTube channel as I'm making new videos each week and posting them here. I want to know more about what you guys want to know so definitely comment below. Let me know what I can do to help.


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